Ultimate "Boogie-Bug" & Powdery Mildew Recipe

1) Use 2 tablespoons, (per gallon), of Neem oil with an equal quantity, (1:1), of  Dr Bronner’s “Sal-Suds” brand soap, (this particular Dr Bronner’s soap can be found in your local health-food store’s laundry and dish-detergent section; it is very kind to both plants and the environment).

2) SHAKE a small jar of warm water with the Neem oil and soap added to the jar first. Shake the contents thoroughly until the oil has become completely emulsified by the Dr Bronner’s Sal-Suds soap.

3) Pour the resulting concentrated “Neem-Milk” liquid into your 1 or 2 gallon sprayer and then go to town spraying your plants’ entire leaf foliage; they will love you for it! Use this ultra-effective recipe anywhere from 1 to 2 or even 3 times per week, (depending on pest or disease pressure). Occasionally “boost” the above recipe with Pure-Protein to add additional fertilizing value to your spraying regime.

Plants just seem to LOVE the combination of these natural pesticides with PURE PROTEIN.  This sort of application could easily transform chemical farming’s addiction to toxic and dangerous pesticides which have been poisoning America’s landscape for decades!

The fatty acids & aminos in PURE-PROTEIN work to fortify plant tissue from pests & pathogenic organisms. By using PURE-PROTEIN and Boogie Brew together as a foliar SUPER-SPRAY, you will create a highly-effective armor-plating of easily absorbed, 100% free-form amino-acids which, together with Boogie’s beneficial organisms,  form a PROBIOTIC DEFENSE SHIELD for plants .

Just like all Boogie products, PURE-PROTEIN is kind to your plants, kinder still to the planet, and of course kindest of-all to your wallet….you never pay for water or plastic-jugged packaging; no chemical snake-oils to burn your plants or your pocket-book;…..just simple, gentle, yet powerful horticultural solutions to help you get THE MOST out of your cultivation efforts. ACHIEVE GARDENING EXCELLENCE with PURE-PROTEIN, a 100% water-soluble, enzymatically digested fish hydrolysate powder for plants.