Primo Hydrolysate

All natural super nutrient.
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  • Most complete organic fertilizer, fulfills 70-80% of plant nutritional needs
  • Contains L-amino acids, will not burn leaves or roots
  • PH Perfect, 5-12-14, high in macro- and micro-nutrients, high in enzymes
  • Non-toxic to surrounding environment
  • Easily goes into solution
  • Rapid results, cost-effective, easy to apply, apply infrequently

New Plantings: Containers: prior to planting thoroughly mix into the soil (medium) • Gardens: prior to planting mix into the top 2-4 inches • Holes: thoroughly mix into backfill soil (medium)
Established Plants: Spread around the base of the plants & gently work into the top 1-3 inches
Established Trees & Shrubs: Apply in a circle underneath the outer branches (drip line). For best results, gently work into the top 1-3 inches. – Follow all plantings with a thorough watering –
General Use Rates at Tbsp (Tablespoons) per Gallon or Cups per Cubic Foot of soil (medium)
Mild: 1 Tbsp-1/4 Cup 
Medium: 2 Tbsp-1/2 Cup 
Strong: 4 Tbsp-1 Cup
Seeds: 1/2 Tbsp-1/8 Cup 
New Plantings Per Hole: Small Plants: 2 Tbsp • Shrubs: 1/2 Cup 
Trees: 1 Cup Established Plants: 1 Tbsp per foot of plant height 
Large-Fast Growing plants: 2 Tbsp per foot of plant height 
Shrubs: 1/4 Cup per foot every 2 feet of height 
Trees: 1/2 Cup per every 2 feet of height Gardens: 1-2 Cups per 25 square feet (5ft x 5ft) or every 25 ft of planting row
Use every 12 weeks or whenever needed