Boogie Humus 20 LBS/ 21QTS

An excellent composted humus created over time as carbon-rich woody content becomes fermented by microbial digestion, (carbon-recycling organisms). Considered by many connoisseurs to be Norcal’s finest compost, allowing for a serious boost in a soil’s biodiversity, gardeners have been very impressed by the performance of our dark, rich, super-humus. This superb bio-matter is created from an aged “fungal-dominant” fermentation of woody materials with an ultra-low green waste content.
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While less microbially active than the quality worm castings in Caliuana Castings, our custom-blended Boogie Humus is nonetheless a valuable contributor to your soil’s total biodiversity due to its excellent promotion and enhancement of fungal-activity. This will lead your soil to create more efficient mycorrhizal transportation pathways, thereby aiding to pave the way for improved trans-location of water and nutrients. Mycorrhizae are beneficial species of soil-dwelling fungi which reside in the root-zone, (rhizosphere), and they act as crucial ‘messengers’ in a soil’s eco-system; by giving these fungal organisms a better “home” in which to dwell with even small, (moderate), quantities of Boogie-Humus, you will help to build a much stronger overall garden and ultimately more resilient & healthier plants. A valuable ingredient in compost tea and also a key bio-stimulant added to the root-zone, (just a cup or two around the base of your plants’ stems), Boogie Humus will serve to enhance your garden’s bio-life and help you to achieve an all-around healthier and more productive soil-matrix. Quality humus production takes time. Most commercially manufactured composts today are processed using a rapid heat-treatment for fast production and quick turnover: this reduces the total diversity of microbes.
Boogie Humus is alive with beneficial organisms. By utilizing a slow decomposition with lower fermentation temperatures, greater diversity is achieved when compared to other composted  products.
Each batch of Boogie Humus is made in accordance with critical composting standardizations and the cleanest-sources of quality materials.
Consistent quality control and analysis ensure that Boogie Humus contains broad diversity and high total-biomass, along with zero populations of E coli & chemical contaminants.
Bring your soil to life with Boogie Humus! A natural soil inoculant, Boogie Humus is a valuable tonic for any gardener. Containing a variety of beneficial soil organisms with additional trace elements, you can use Boogie Humus to help create optimal conditions for maximum crop yield and quality.
Helps to promote beneficial soil-fungi, nematodes, protozoal and bacterial populations.

Use anywhere from 1 to 5 cups as a soil amendment, ‘scratch-in’ top-dressing,  or as a valuable ingredient in AACT (Actively Aerated Compost Teas)
• Reduced water & fertilizer consumption: University  research indicates that strong mycorrhizal systems  aid in the facilitation of phosphate uptake.
• Improved pest/disease resistance; also provides  growth promoting compounds.
• Functions as an inoculant for greater  diversity of soil microorganisms.